Insurance & Casualty

Property & Casualty Insurance

The primary function of the Insurance Section is the analysis of potential risk to County facilities and operations, and includes the development, procurement, and management of specific insurance programs as needed. The section administers property, commercial crime, professional liability and business auto insurance coverages, as well as public official bonds. Specific activities include preparation of proposals, evaluation and placement of policies, maintaining records of exposures, costs, coverages, and claims, monitoring programs and legislation that might affect them, producing appropriate analytical studies to keep department management and Commissioners Court informed, and providing assistance to individual County departments on insurance related issues.


Non-Owned Auto Liability Insurance

Human Resources & Risk Management maintains a business automobile liability policy that provides liability coverage for COUNTY EMPLOYEES DRIVING COUNTY VEHICLES WHILE OUTSIDE THE COURSE AND SCOPE OF EMPLOYMENT. This insurance provides a single combined limit of $300,000 for bodily injury and/or property damage per accident, as well as $2,500 personal injury protection. The insurance is voluntary and is paid by the participant via payroll deduction.

Although election of coverage is voluntary, without this coverage (or similar endorsement on the employee’s personal auto policy), any non-certified peace officers driving a county vehicle outside the course and scope of employment could be subject to personal liability for claims and/or lawsuits brought by third parties.

Additionally, in the absence of this coverage, any peace officer (as defined in Article 2.12, Code of Criminal Procedure) driving a county vehicle outside the course and scope of employment would only be afforded minimum State liability limits of $30,000 bodily injury per person, $60,000 bodily injury per accident (two or more persons) and $25,000 property damage per accident as outlined in Chapter 612.005 of the Texas Government Code. Coverage provided by 612.005 is applicable if the employee is authorized to use the vehicle and not committing a criminal offense.

Anyone who drives a county vehicle and who is interested in signing up for the program, or obtaining additional information about the program, should contact the Insurance Manager @ (713) 274-5462.
