Harris County Accelerated Leadership Program


Accelerated Leadership Program

    The ALP is a program of extraordinary possibilities, carefully curated by Harris County to attract individuals who embody tenacity, technical acumen, and a burning passion for public service. It proudly seeks out underrepresented groups, recognizing them as powerful agents of leadership. This transformative program grants selected individuals the chance to not only lead but also forge meaningful connections with senior management. Through a multitude of networking events and development opportunities, participants will thrive and grow. This program serves as a profound investment in the success and fulfillment of every employee's unique career journey.

Proposed Harris County Accelerated Leadership Program

The Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP) is a transformative journey, spanning three years, designed to unlock the potential of talented and driven undergraduate students. It serves as a pathway for them to seize highly advanced leadership positions. This program is an extraordinary opportunity for growth, enabling participants to soar to new heights and fulfill their highest aspirations. With the ALP as their guiding light, these remarkable individuals will unleash their full potential, leaving an indelible mark on the world.


              Challenging and Multi-Faceted Career Development

The ALP rotation is a transformative journey encompassing three years, offering three to four immersive and impactful rotations in vital business areas that align with the County's vision. These rotations are carefully tailored to align with the employee's desired career path, creating a powerful synergy between

personal ambition and organizational goals. Each rotation is a gateway to invaluable experiences, encompassing people and project leadership, executive mentorship, networking opportunities, and mandatory professional development programs. This holistic approach ensures that participants grow both personally and professionally, seizing every chance for advancement. As the three-year mark approaches, employees emerge ready to assume key roles, ushering in a future that benefits both their individual careers and the flourishing of Harris County.

                                Networks and Relationship Building

The ALP Harris County ensures that members of the executive leadership team have regular opportunities for mentorship and networking. These initiatives are crucial for identifying career paths beyond the three-year program. Each ALP employee will have a distinctive and personalized experience tailored to maximize their unique perspectives and career aspirations. The emphasis on networking and relationship building creates a dedicated platform for aspiring senior leaders.

Who is Eligible?

The ALP is an ideal career platform for professionals who meet the following qualifications:

  • Currently enrolled as a Senior with an expected graduation date prior to joining the program.
  • Demonstrated excellence in communication and collaboration.
  •  Engaged in coursework that fosters strategic thinking and analytical abilities.
  •  Previous display of leadership skills, whether in work or on campus.
  • Proven proficiency in making strong decisions.
  •  Adaptability and a willingness to embrace change in a complex environment.
  • Outstanding project management capabilities.
  •  Possession of subject-matter expertise, as deemed suitable.

Areas of Rotation

  • Budget Management
  • Purchasing
  • Engineering
  • Universal Services (Information Technology)
  • Pollution Control
  • (Fill in others as deemed appropriate)

Support and Career Development

  • Program-Specific Learning and Development
  • The personalized professional development journey
  • Sponsor or Mentor assignment
  • Placement in a leadership position upon successful completion of the program in the area of interest and skill appropriate

Beyond the Accelerated Leadership Program

Our support of the participant’s career development at Harris County will not stop at the end of the three-year program. We’ll invest in the ongoing success at Harris County; ensuring the career path continues to match the overall goals of Harris County and the participant.

Executive Mentorship

The executive leadership team is highly accessible to ALP participants, providing mentorship, guidance, and support during the program. The program also offers additional opportunities to engage with executives at exclusive networking events.

How to Apply

Learning and Development

Overall learning and development curriculum will be developed for the ALPs program along with individualized professional development sessions. This curriculum is meant to assist the participant with overall learning opportunities along with the participant’s individualized goal achievement.